Automatic Deliveries

We understand that you have a million and one things to do in a day and checking the level of your tank is usually the furthest from your mind. Our automatic delivery system notifies us when you need a delivery at no extra charge. You do not need to worry about checking your gauge and you won't run out of oil! No more expensive emergency deliveries.

We use a degree day calculation that factors in your usage history as well as current and future weather conditions. Other factors do play a part in your consumption such as going away on vacation, family is visiting, or you put an addition to your home. Keeping us informed will ensure that you never run out of oil.

As an automatic customer you will receive an e-mail one week prior to your delivery so that you can plan for it, one more of our "no surprises service."

A fuel oil additive can help mitigate problems associated with today's fuel oil, enabling you to experience a cleaner, more efficient heating system at your home or business

York Oil & Propane uses an additive called HeatForce. It is a multifunctional fule additive whose benefits include:

*Dispersant-to gradually clean the entire heating oil system, preventing gum and sludge from building up on critical heating oil components.

*Corrosion Inhibitor- to prevent rust, resulting from inherent moisture that can build up inside steel tanks and metal components in heating oil systems.

*Metal Deactivator- to prevent the formation of gums and deposits that can occure when fule comes in contact with metal fuel system components.

*Fuel Stabilizer- to keep fuel fresher, longer.

Heating Oil

The characteristics of today's heating oil have changed. Advanced refining technologies designed to maximize gasoline production have contributed to the decline in fuel oil quality. As a result heating oil has become less stable than in the past, leading to gums and deposits that an foul heating system components.


As with home heating oil, we do offer automatic deliveries for our propane customers. We have experienced technitions on hand to take care of installations and deliveries. Our propane pricing is based on your yearly consumption. We offer competitive pricing; please give us a call for up- to- date pricing.

Sign up for our automatic cleanings. Well get you scheduled to tune up your system once a year

Automatic Cleanings

Burner Reset

Please refer to our PDF that will walk you through reseting your burner if your unit goes off on reset.

burner reset